Everything · Running · Yoga


Just a random post here to talk about “crazy.”  So besides the obvious (3 under 3)…

Mmmm… First, I am crazy for agreeing to take all the kids to the beach for a day trip to the coast.  It turned out awesome, but still a wild adventure.  We left at 5am and not two hours into the trip we had stopped twice already as 2 of the 3 (oldest and youngest) required outfit changes due to diaper “malfunctions.”  What probably should have been a 2.5 – 3 drive was not a minute short of 4 hours. But once we got there, we had an absolute blast playing with the big kids on the beach and in the water.  And luckily Ty Baby cooperated like a champ and quietly napped and hung out.  Thank goodness Scott’s parents were already down there and were able to get an awesome sun shade for us and were able to help tag team our people.  It would have been really, really tricky without them and all of their help! After the beach, we went to lunch and then headed home. It was a long 12 hour day, but so fun and I’m really glad we went!

So Rex is crazy too…in a boy-toddler kind of way…he’s wild and climbing and gettin’ into everything these days.  Today he almost flipped Ty’s stroller (with Ty in it!) as he scaled it in the doctor’s office while I was dealing with Landri! Scary stuff!  He also (unknowingly) abuses our geriatric dog.  Rex absolutely adores Smoke, but can be a bit over the top when loving on him sometimes.  Smoke is a Saint.  He’s definitely earned his way into Doggie Heaven with these kids!

Next, I’m also crazy because a couple of months ago, I signed up for not only the SA half marathon, but also the New Orleans full marathon in Feb. Sometimes I catch myself freaking out about what I’ve gotten myself into.  Really?  Training for a 26.2 mile event right now?  With everything going on?  What was I thinking!?  I’ve done two fulls, and I always swore I was done with them, haha!  I’m doing it with two great girlfriends though and I know it will be awesome.  I’m just a little nervous!  I’ve really missed running though – I stopped around 20 weeks this past pregnancy due to a debilitating sinus infection and then didn’t feel like I had the strength to resume running once I was healed. So it’s been a while (about 26 weeks), and yesterday I was officially cleared for all physical activity by my doctor.  Of course I came straight home from the doctor and decided to go running. My mom watched Ty and I took the big kids in the Double Bob stroller with me (shout out to the Steele coaches and their spouses for the awesome stroller!). Sadly, it was midday and about 90 degrees so with the ~75lb stroller, it was quite a brutal run! I managed 2 miles in about 21 minutes though, so not too shabby for my first performance on the pavement. This morning I woke myself up early (that’s a lie, Ty actually woke me up) and did a 5k just shy of 33 minutes. It was high 70’s and breezy, and extra awesome without the stroller!!!  It felt great, although I can feel soreness setting in already!  I guess it’s time to do some yoga!

So speaking of yoga…this past weekend I taught my first ever real yoga class outside of yoga teacher training and teaching my friends/family. It was for the group MoCAA (Moms Connect About Autism), a support group for mothers of special needs children.  I had so much fun teaching them – they are a phenomenal group of women.  I can’t wait to do it again!  It was pretty awesome to finally realize and accomplish a dream that I’ve had for many, many years.  It was such a high!  And Scott was a good sport and tested out my class for me before I taught it.  And here’s a fun fact: Scott Lehnhoff can do a backbend!!!  I will try to snap a photo for proof next time. It’s pretty incredible!

And just a random story just because I think it’s funny and is totally representative of my life married to Scott… This morning I called him on my way to HEB with the kids.  He says, “You’re going with all THREE of them?!?” I said, “Nah, I left Ty at home.  OF COURSE I’m going with all of them!!!”  Seriously, people.  Seriously.  I think he thinks I sit at home all day everyday and never leave the house!  I would go crazy! Oh wait, I am!  LOL!

4 thoughts on “Craziness!

  1. OMG, you crack me up. Love every minute of the craziness. You will look back on it with unbelievable memories and pride.

    Love to all, Brad

    Sent from my iPhone

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